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The Executive Committee is part of the P&C Association.  All positions of P&C become vacant each year and new office bearers are elected each Annual General Meeting of the P&C. Anyone may nominate for any position on the Executive Committee or any of the other Committees.


If you are interested in becoming a committee member or being part of the activities that a committee is responsible for, please contact any of the Executive Committee.


The P&C Committee is a separate body to the School but is responsible to WACSSO (the state body of P&Cs).  The P&C is required to act to support the school to provide better educational outcomes for students of the school.  This can only be achieved through cooperation and coordination with the administration of the school, in particular the Principal.  The Principal usually attends each P&C meeting and provides a report.


The P&C meets every term at the school in weeks 4 and 8 at 7:30pm. 

The Creaney P&C is a member of The Western Australian Council of State School Organisations Inc. (WACSSO). WACSSO is the peak body representing parents of public school children in Western Australia. Contact WACSSO to see the resources available or to subscribe to receive news updates.


Director:  Danielle Crouch                          
Vice Director: Kate Ridley
Secretary:  Leila Chappell
Fundraising Treasurer:  Carlie Page

Executive Members: Emily Chater, Natalie Pratt, Nicole Richardson, Suzanne Woods, Teneille Watson

Creaney Dads: Markus Christie


For more information please contact the P&C.

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